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A new film about the world's rarest whale
North Pacific right whales are the rarest…
but not the cheapest whale in the world.
In 2018 we are raising $120,000 to complete the film and launch our save the right whales campaign. The money will go to:
Acoustic and Film Expedition to the Albatross bank critical habitat area with NOAA researchers
Conduct interviews that explore the connection between NW Coast indigenous whaling and North Pacific right whales
Edit thirty minute film
Launch save the Right Whale campaign
Cash and Check donations can be mailed to:
Deep Green Wilderness ~~~ 2400 NW 80th St. PMB #127 ~~~ Seattle, WA 98117
Please make checks out to:
The Ocean Foundation and write Friends of Deep Green Wilderness in the memo.
Photo: Brian Gisborne, DFO Contractor,
taken under permit #MML2013-11/SARA-276(5).
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